A Drumming University That Loads You Up With Enough Wicked Talent To Drop Jaws and Become and In-Demand Drummer.


An amazing approach to drumming, involving a series of problem solving and inspirational breakthrough instructional lessons with Joe Ballistic. Study along with him as he delivers strategies on how to take your playing from where you are to where you KNOW you should be through videos, mp3s, community discussion groups, access to live Q&A's facilitated by Joe, and other tools and resources that you can use to help transform your drumming.

Complete A-Z Lessons

All lessons are broken up by modules with a clear A-Z method - no distractions.

Exclusive Community

Since Joe Ballistic's first arrival on the scene in 1994, drummers world wide have been a part of an exclusive community.

On Demand Classes

Anytime access to past and present lessons to be inspired to take your playing to a ballistic level.

Valuable Rescources

Access to books, files, and resources to help you along your journey and become an in demand drummer that gigging bands compete to hire.

The Secret To Drumming Success

  • Quick Start Modules:

All drumming modules are designed for quick accelerated learning. Frankly, why spend 12 months learning something you could have learned in 1 weekend. On the modules, you'll discover that Joe's gift as an educator and author is second to none. He conveys lessons that give you that A-HA type of feeling while making learning FUN.

  • Magician Like Playing:

Being a creative drummer has less to do with practice and more to do with understanding the "magician like secrets to playing." Right now you want real answers and real help. No more information being hidden in the dark. The Ballistic Drumming University reveals all the magician like secrets to getting good FAST while turning you into a monster player that gigging bands compete to hire.

  • "UNIQUE" Style Of Playing:

The real reason to join is to be connected to other ballistic drummers who can help you along the way. You can't do this alone. The right information, the right guidance, and the right support can change your life. Students of the Ballistic Drumming University become more creative, more confident and have to ability to take their playing to their ULTIMATE level.

Bring Out Your TRUE Talent!

"You're not going to be a monster player just from dreaming of it or constantly staying unFOCUSED with the next new youtube video. You need a specific FOCUSED path to get the results you desire. Success never happens on it's own, and you can't succeed by yourself... it takes a team, a tribe of BALLISTIC drummers to get you from "GOOD" to "PHENOMENAL". Surround yourself in an environment where other drummers want to be creative, driven and talented beyond what is currently being played."
Joe "Ballistic"

Get INSTANT Access To All This and More In The Ballistic Drumming University

Ballistic Double Bass, Ballistic Flams AND... Ballistic Multi-Pedal Playing - ALL MODULES

Learn the 7 Autonomous Ballistic Motions that will solve all your double bass problems so you can finally play your feet EXACTLY like your hands at ANY speed and ANY time signature you desire. Singles, Doubles, and Flams just like your hands. ALSO... Multiple Pedal Madness.

Tornado Chops - ALL MODULES

Learn how to solo around your drumset like a high velocity TORNADO. Discover the "Damas Bull Whip Motion" that made old school jazz cats so darn fast. ALSO... up to date science based ergonomics so you can play gorgeous melodic solos that crowds cheer for.

Vicious Vamps - ALL MODULES

The jealously guarded secrets of world famous studio drummers (who are playing on movie soundtracks, platinum/gold albums and on tour) that will help you play more creative "professional" drum parts so you can land more gigs and get recognized.

Black Magic Hi-Hat - ALL MODULES

Split Your Left Foot Into 2 Different Limbs So You Can Play 2 Completely Different Patterns At Once. Also covers 2-3 clave, splashes and trashes with your hi-hat as you play double bass. BONUS MODULES... Open And Close The Hi-Hat In Ways You've Never Seen Before

Create One-Of-A-Kind Drum Patterns Like Joe - ALL MODULES

You'll see the methodology behind creating unique drum patterns that get you gigs and set you apart from every other drummer. A Break down of the how, why, and what of each part and each song.

Premium LIVE Webinars and Mastermind Lessons - ALL MODULES

Get your questions answered and see new cutting edge practice routines that make playing more autonomous and fun. Joe's degrees in psychology and sports performance will help you blast past your hurdles and be the drummer you were meant to be.

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Joe Stronsick's unique system represents a giant leap forward in bass drum technique - especially for developing speed and control. He represents his ideas in easy, logical steps that allow any drummer to develop lightning-fast feet!

It's a testimony to the human spirit that this is a tight, well conceived package. It covers it all, pedal set up, head tension, to getting rapid-fire doubles. It adhere's to the principles of good technique - ease, relaxation, conservation of energy - and darn it... it's exciting!

I got immediate results and it takes potential speed to a whole new level!

(c) Copyright 2024 Ballistic Drumming